This is a painting of a bouquet of pink roses in a gold vase. The roses are various shades of pink and are arranged in a loose, natural style. The vase is gold with a pedestal base and a flared top. The background is a soft, diffused light that fades into the background. The painting is signed by the artist in the lower right corner.

Signed Oil Painting on Canvas – Unstretched

Robert Cox
12 x 16 in

Robert Cox was an American artist who specialized in still life flower paintings. He used a palette knife to create his paintings, which gave them a textured and expressive look. He was also a founding member of the Art Workers Coalition, a group that advocated for artists’ rights. He believed that art should be accessible and affordable for everyone, so he sold his paintings at low prices. His paintings are popular among collectors and can be found in many homes and galleries. He was active from the 1960s to the 1980s.

Robert Cox (1934 - 2001) lived in California, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
